Expert Training & Classes at Skn Shack
Lizzy has taught advanced aesthetics classes for 4 years in CA prior to moving to TN. Her 15 year career in medical aesthetics and knowledge base of product lines, devices and customized skin care treatments is vast allowing her to help others in her field hungry to learn. These classes were a perfect addition to licensed aestheticians or practitioners who wanted to learn more in depth treatments and techniques that they could offer to clients. She has taught salon owners, nurses and aestheticians alike. Those courses covered topics such as advanced chemical peels, acne remediation, use of devices and dermaplaning to name a few. She has also trained for some well known skin care lines and device manufacturers as well as did testing on them with models.
Lizzy’s Skn Shack location in Thompson’s Station is available to offer one on one and small group lessons in the evenings and on weekends.
If you are interested in learning more as a company looking for space to train in, a skin care professional looking for advanced training or a company who needs a seasoned skin care professional to train or test their products/devices, please call us or email Lizzy www.sknshack.com